
In the following you can find a comprehensive visualization of all the possible templates that you can access using pie_bake(), pie_bake_pro(), bubble_blow() and an example of the usage of pie_addimages().
Please note that the quality of the images is deliberately reduced compared to the classic quality of the function outputs for issues related to the size of the files.

Available templates for pie_bake()

A fairly simple data frame with 5 groups will be considered. Percentages will be displayed (i.e. the argument perc will be fixed to TRUE), with the title corresponding to the template name and a generic group name (i.e. “groups”).

The same for the pie_bake_pro() function can be found by scrolling down.

#>             $$  $$  $$
#>           __||__||__||__
#>          | * * * * * * *|
#>          |* * * * * * * |
#>          | * * * * * * *|
#>          |______________|
#>  _              _              _
#> | |_  ___  ___ | |_  _ _  ___ |_| ___
#> |  _|| .'||_ -||  _|| | || . || || -_|
#> |_|  |__,||___||_|  |_  ||  _||_||___|
#>                     |___||_|
ex <- data.frame(
  c(65, 24, 54, 12, 43)

for(i in pie_template_list){
  print(pie_bake(ex, template = i, perc = TRUE, title = i))

Available templates for pie_bake_pro()

Here we don’t have to set the argument perc (there are some templates that display percentages anyways).

ex <- data.frame(
  c(65, 24, 54, 12, 43)

for(i in pie_template_list_pro){
  print(pie_bake_pro(ex, template = i, title = i))






Available templates for bubble_blow()

Below you can see the different templates available for the function bubble_blow() that allows the user to easily create cool circular packing charts.

A fairly simple data frame with 10 groups will be considered. Percentages will be displayed below the group labels (i.e. the argument perc will be fixed to below), with the title corresponding to the template name.

exblow <- data.frame(
  c(33, 24, 54, 12, 43, 88, 66, 78)

available_templates_bub <- c("bub1", "bub2", "bub3", "bub4", "bub5")

for(i in available_templates_bub){
  print(bubble_blow(exblow, template = i, perc = "below", title = i))