After having analyzed our data, we can examine the intra- and inter-specific variation present across datasets through dimensionality reduction techniques (create ‘swarm spaces’).
Load the metrics of collective motion calculated previously. Include the events you want to compare in a swarm space.
# load pacakge data for many species
## A] Create the swarm space for this data only:
<- multi_species_metrics
## B] Or bind with new data if continuing from step2
data("new_species_metrics") ## loads the output of step 2
<- new_species_metrics[,!colnames(new_species_metrics) %in% c('event_dur', 'N', 'set', 'start_time')] # remove columns not needed for the swarm space
new_species_tobind <- rbind(multi_species_metrics, new_species_tobind)
## C] Or to use just the new data (overwrites previous command, comment out to compare with the other species):
<- new_species_metrics all_data
Create new swarm space with PCA analysis:
<- swarm_space(metrics_data = all_data,
new_pca space_type = "pca"
ggplot2::aes(x = PC1, y = PC2, color = species)
) ::geom_point() +
ggplot2::theme_bw() ggplot2
Check what each principal component represents and get the info of each event:
<- new_pca$pca$rotation[, new_pca$pca$sdev > 1]
pca_info print(pca_info)
## PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4
## mean_mean_nnd -0.120557087 0.47823789 -0.198936000 0.51970748
## mean_sd_nnd 0.006773648 0.19922584 -0.693308303 0.22378356
## sd_mean_nnd 0.096140524 0.33849821 0.445329654 -0.12538046
## mean_pol 0.169686225 0.42069450 -0.035516371 -0.32822763
## sd_pol 0.551102219 -0.02143889 -0.114126771 -0.07014666
## stdv_speed 0.535969436 0.10620905 0.006046155 -0.00581108
## mean_sd_front 0.168816754 -0.01838288 0.267740886 0.61225187
## mean_mean_bangl -0.048978601 0.53599416 0.352446821 0.09556011
## mean_shape 0.154168969 -0.37491589 0.242066756 0.40886134
## sd_shape 0.549309319 -0.01015417 -0.112278306 0.01629187
<- new_pca$ref
ref_data head(ref_data)
## event N set start_time event_dur species
## 1 1 8 2020-02-01_ctx1 2020-02-01 12:00:21 1.28 new_species_1
## 2 2 8 2020-02-01_ctx1 2020-02-01 12:00:23 1.12 new_species_1
## 3 3 7 2020-02-01_ctx1 2020-02-01 12:00:25 1.08 new_species_1
## 4 4 8 2020-02-01_ctx1 2020-02-01 12:00:26 0.04 new_species_1
## 5 5 8 2020-02-01_ctx1 2020-02-01 12:00:27 0.32 new_species_1
## 6 6 7 2020-02-01_ctx1 2020-02-01 12:00:28 7.80 new_species_1
Or create a new swarm space with tSNE to better study the local structure of the data:
<- swarm_space(metrics_data = all_data,
new_tsne space_type = "tsne",
tsne_rand_seed = 2023,
tsne_perplexity = 10
print("t-SNE was run with the following parameters:")
## [1] "t-SNE was run with the following parameters:"
## prop vals
## 1 perplexity 10
## 2 random_seed 2023
## 3 max_iter 10000
::ggplot(new_tsne$swarm_space, ggplot2::aes(x = X, y = Y, color = species)) +
ggplot2::geom_point() +
ggplot2::theme_bw() ggplot2
Starting from previously generated PCA swarm space, add new data:
<- expand_pca_swarm_space(metrics_data = new_species_metrics,
new_pca_data pca_space = multi_species_pca)
<- rbind(multi_species_pca_data,
ggplot2::aes(x = PC1, y = PC2, color = species)) +
ggplot2::geom_point() +
ggplot2::theme_bw() ggplot2
To compare several new datasets, one should run the analysis until the end of step 2 for each one of them. Then simply bind the result datasets together and run the swarm spaces as above:
data("new_species_metrics") ## loads the output of step 2
## Use another dataset:
<- get(data("tracks", package = "trackdf"))
data_df $set <- as.Date(data_df$t)
<- col_motion_metrics_from_raw(data_df,
another_species mov_av_time_window = 10,
step2time = 1,
geo = TRUE,
verbose = FALSE,
speed_lim = 0,
pol_lim = 0.3,
parallelize_all = FALSE
$species <- "new_species_2"
## Bind all the datasets you want to compare here
<- rbind(another_species, new_species_metrics)
<- swarm_space(metrics_data = all_data,
new_pca space_type = "pca"
ggplot2::aes(x = PC1, y = PC2, color = species)
) ::geom_point() +
ggplot2::theme_bw() ggplot2