title: "
Example for Data Analysis "
vignette: >
%\VignetteIndexEntry{Example for Data Analysis}
number_sections: false
fig_caption: true
toc: false
theme: cosmo
highlight: tango
```{r include = FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk $ set( collapse = TRUE, comment = " ", fig.width = 7, fig.height = 7, fig.align = "center" )
```{r include = FALSE}
library( liver )
library( pROC )
library( ggplot2 )
The `liver` package contains a collection of helper functions that make various techniques from data science more user-friendly for non-experts.
Here is an example to show how to use the functionality of the package by using the *churn* dataset which is available in the package.
data( churn )
str( churn )
It shows that the 'churn' dataset as a `data.frame` has `r ncol( churn )` variables and `r nrow( churn )` observations.
# Partitioning the dataset
We partition the *churn* dataset randomly into two groups: train set (80%) and test set (20%). Here, we use the `partition` function from the *liver* package:
set.seed( 5 )
data_sets = partition( data = churn, prob = c( 0.8, 0.2 ) )
train_set = data_sets $ part1
test_set = data_sets $ part2
actual_test = test_set $ churn
# Classification by kNN algorithm
The *churn* dataset has `r ncol( churn ) - 1` predictors along with the target variable `churn`. Here we use the following predictors:
`account.length`, `voice.plan`, `voice.messages`, `intl.plan`, `intl.mins`, `day.mins`, `eve.mins`, `night.mins`, and `customer.calls`.
First, based on the above predictors, find the k-nearest neighbor for the test set, based on the training dataset, for the k = 8 as follows
formula = churn ~ account.length + voice.plan + voice.messages + intl.plan + intl.mins +
day.mins + eve.mins + night.mins + customer.calls
predict_knn = kNN( formula, train = train_set, test = test_set, k = 8 )
To report Confusion Matrix:
```{r, fig.align = 'center', fig.height = 3, fig.width = 3}
conf.mat( predict_knn, actual_test )
conf.mat.plot( predict_knn, actual_test )
To report Mean Squared Error (MSE):
mse( predict_knn, actual_test )
# Classification by kNN algorithm with data transformation
The predictors that we used in the previous part, do not have the same scale. For example, variable `day.mins` change between `r min( churn $ day.mins )` and `r max( churn $ day.mins )`, whereas variable `voice.plan` is binary. In this case, the values of variable `day.mins` will overwhelm the contribution of `voice.plan`. To avoid this situation we use normalization. So, we use min-max normalization and transfer the predictors as follows:
predict_knn_trans = kNN( formula, train = train_set, test = test_set, k = 8, transform = "minmax" )
To report Confusion Matrix:
```{r fig.show = "hold", fig.align = 'default', out.width = "46%"}
conf.mat.plot( predict_knn_trans, actual_test )
conf.mat.plot( predict_knn, actual_test )
To report the ROC curve, we need the probability of our classification prediction. We can have it by using:
prob_knn = kNN( formula, train = train_set, test = test_set, k = 8, type = "prob" )[ , 1 ]
prob_knn_trans = kNN( formula, train = train_set, test = test_set, transform = "minmax", k = 8, type = "prob" )[ , 1 ]
To visualize the model performance between the raw data and the transformed data, we could report the ROC curve plot as well as AUC (Area Under the Curve) by using the `plot.roc` function from the **pROC** package:
```{r, message = F, fig.align = "center"}
roc_knn = roc( actual_test, prob_knn )
roc_knn_trans = roc( actual_test, prob_knn_trans )
ggroc( list( roc_knn, roc_knn_trans ), size = 0.8 ) +
theme_minimal() + ggtitle( "ROC plots with AUC") +
scale_color_manual( values = c( "red", "blue" ),
labels = c( paste( "AUC=", round( auc( roc_knn ), 3 ), "; Raw data; " ),
paste( "AUC=", round( auc( roc_knn_trans ), 3 ), "; Transformed data" ) ) ) +
theme( legend.title = element_blank() ) +
theme( legend.position = c( .7, .3 ), text = element_text( size = 17 ) ) +
geom_segment( aes( x = 1, xend = 0, y = 0, yend = 1 ), color = "grey", linetype = "dashed" )
# Optimal value of k for the kNN algorithm
To find out the optimal value of `k` based on *Error Rate*, for the different values of k from 1 to 30, we run the k-nearest neighbor for the test set and compute the *Error Rate* for these models, by running `kNN.plot()` command
```{r fig.align = "center" }
kNN.plot( formula, train = train_set, test = test_set, transform = "minmax",
k.max = 30, set.seed = 3 )
The plot shows that the minimum value of *Error Rate* is for the case that k is 13; the smaller values of *Error Rate* indicates better predictions.