Additions referenced with relevant GitHub Issue or Pull Request number. Please see those for more details.
Updated documentation for JOSS paper release
all CRAN issues for this update were caused by the rho parameter, which invokes external C++ code. We therefore fixed these issues by removing the rho parameter from the predict_diagram_kpca and diagram_distance examples, from all tests and in the ML_and_inference.Rmd file. This parameter has been kept and is still tested, just not tested on CRAN
sped up the independence_test example by only showing the Gram-matrix approach
removed warnings from benchmarking plots in Speed.Rmd
removed dependency on package TDA which is currently unavailable on CRAN
same updates as 3.0.0 but with more efficient vignette building
added ability to precompute distance/Gram matrices for ML and inference functions
added fast approximation to Fisher information metric
added vignettes for speedups, HCP analysis, personalized analyses and distance calculation comparisons (and removed those parts from the main vignette)
fixed issues with cv model fitting in diagram_ksvm
added automatic calculation of t parameters in diagram_ksvm
decreased memory load on parallel functions (except for permutation test loss function)
added checks for 0 variance distance matrices in diagram_ksvm
added comparisons against package rgudhi
added interpretations tools for vr graphs and multiple representative (co) cycles
improved HCP analysis
resolved some distance 0 cases in diagram_distance
fixed build issues related to use of suggested packages in tests, examples and vignettes
fixed bootstrap reference in vignette
set seed in vignette for reproducibility (which is reset at the end)
added more examples of TDA applications in publications
increased testing coverage
fixed issue with th parameter in diagram_kpca
fixed issue with gamma distribution in independence_test
added applied analysis of TDApplied on HCP data to package vignette
added PyH function for fast persistence diagram calculations with python
added bootstrap_persistence_thresholds for finding “real” topological features in a data set
added plot_diagram function for plotting persistence diagrams, with or without persistence thresholds
fixed problem with diagram_distance in which one of the two diagrams was empty in the desired dimension
fixed small bug with computing mean cv model error for svm
added tryCatch’s around parallelized code to ensure that clusters are closed even when errors occur
fixed bug with mds test and properly cleaned up parallelization clusters
Fixed bug with one diagram_mds test, although code was working properly