BTSPAS 2024-05-09
- Bug fix where test for pooling of release groups does not make sense when there is only 1 release group.
BTSPAS 2024-04-01
- CRAN fixups to correct error in example. No change in functionality.
BTSPAS 2023-03-31
- Documentation updates. No change in functionality.
BTSPAS 2011.11.2
- Added trunc.logitP to truncate logit(P) when plotting to avoid problems with extreme cases (issue #30)
- Editorial changes
BTSPAS 2011.11.1
- Fixed importing sd() from stat package that conflicts with revised sd() in actuar package
- Minor bug fixes to deal with extreme cases
- Editorial changes
BTSPAS 2021.1.1
- User now able to specify prior for beta parameters of logitP vs covariates. Refer to the vignette on covariates.
- All values of n1, m2 must be non-missing and positive. If you set the bad.n1 and bad.m2 values, then n1 and m2 are all set to 0.
- Fixed slight error in computation of gof statistics for the non-diagonal cases. We now exclude strata that are flagged as being bad from the computations.
BTSPAS 2020.9.1
- Fixed a bug in trace plots (from ggforce::facet_wrap_paginate) when the last page doesn’t have a full set of plots. Dummy plots added.
- Secondary axis added on right side of logit(P) fit and log(U) fit
BTSPAS 2020.2.1
- Added a vignette about forcing the run to 0 at the start and end of the study.
BTSPAS 2020.1.1
- Runtimings now added to output object.
- More testing of fall back options.
BTSPAS 2019.0101
- sampfrac argument deprecated. Only values of 1 now accepted. This never did work properly and will be removed in future releases.
- OpenBugs no longer supported.
- Diagonal model now allows you to fix some P’s – typically used when second trap is not running.
- All plots converted to ggplot format and stored in the plots object in the final result. An argument is available in the fitting routines to stop saving output to files.
- Bayesian p.value plot created for MarkAvail routines (issue #17)
- Several vignettes created to replace and enhance demo files.